Emergency First Aid Fundamentals
Would you know what to do if you were deep in the wilderness, and a hunting companion sustained a penetrating chest wound from an errant round? Could you prolong the life of a loved one long enough for the ambulance to arrive, if he or she had sustained a lacerated artery from a violent attacker armed with a knife? While most Americans are comfortable dealing with the cuts and scrapes of everyday life, and tens of thousands have learned the Heimlich maneuver and CPR, most individuals would be a bit less comfortable dealing with severe, life threatening injuries or illnesses when seconds count, and EMS personnel and the emergency room are minutes (or longer) away. In the training course, Emergency First Aid Fundamentals, you’ll learn to not only understand the proper way to assess a patient, you’ll also learn in great detail the proper way to deal with significant issues such as serious bleeding, chest injuries, a compromised airway, spinal injuries, broken bones, and more. While it might seem unrealistic to translate what professional EMTs and paramedics are able to do in an emergency versus the things that nonprofessionals would be capable of, but in life threatening medical and traumatic emergencies, it all boils down to the same thing — sustaining the life of the patient until he or she can be delivered to the emergency room. If you’re ready to become your family’s first responder in all emergency situations, this training cannot be missed. During this training, you’ll do more than simply sit in a classroom learning about these topics, your USCCA instructor will work you through a dozen real world scenarios using simulated patients and the actual products (or field
expedients) that you’ll need to understand if you hope to save a life.
NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting - Phase 2
Short Description: The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting is a two-part course consisting of an e-learning portion (completed online-in your own timeframe) and a hands-on practical portion conducted at a range under the guidance and supervision of an NRA-Certified Instructor. The course is intended for all adults regardless of previous shooting experience or NRA-affiliation.
More Details: Some of the topics in the course include: gun safety rules, proper operation of revolvers and semi-automatic pistols, ammunition knowledge and selection, selecting and storing a pistol, the fundamentals of shooting, and pistol inspection and maintenance. When you enroll in the online course, you create a personal identification number (PIN). When you successfully complete the course, printing your certificate activates that PIN. The activated PIN allows you to register for the instructor-led training portion of the course. Go to www.nrainstructors.org – Find a Course Near You – select NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting – and search.
During the instructor-led-training portion of the course, an NRA Certified Instructor will validate comprehension and application of gun safety rules; range protocol; proper handling; loading and unloading procedures; application of pistol shooting fundamentals; stable shooting positions; live fire; and a final shooting qualification.
NRA Instructor Pistol Shooting Course
Short Description: This 16-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching NRA’s Basic Pistol Shooting course.
More Details: Prerequisite: Possession of basic firearm safety and shooting skills is a perquisite for certification as an NRA instructor. Prior to the instructor training, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in pre-course assessment exercises.
Description: Course is presented in two parts: basic instructor training, and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Pistol Shooting Instructor Candidate Packet and NRA Basic Pistol Shooting course student packet.
NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course
Short Description: Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for the safe use of a rifle in target shooting.
More Details: This course is at least 8 hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot rifles. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; rifle parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest, prone, sitting, standing and kneeling positions; cleaning, and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the Basics of Rifle Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, take a Basics of Rifle Shooting Student Examination, and receive a course completion certificate.
NRA Instructor Rifle Shooting Course
Short Description: This 20-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching NRA’s Basic Rifle Shooting course.
More Details: Prerequisite: Possession of basic firearm safety and shooting skills is a perquisite for certification as an NRA instructor. Prior to the instructor training, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in pre-course assessment exercises.
Description: Course is presented in two parts: Basic Instructor Training, and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Rifle Shooting Instructor Candidate Packet and NRA Basic Rifle Shooting course student packet.
NRA Basic Range Safety Officer Course
Short Description: Develops NRA Certified Range Safety Officers with the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, conducting, and supervising safe shooting activities and range operations.
More Details: This course is nine hours long and is conducted in a classroom and at a shooting facility. Range Safety Officer candidates will learn roles and responsibilities of an RSO; Range Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); range inspection; range rules; range briefings; emergency procedures; and firearm stoppages and malfunctions. Each Range Safety Officer Candidate will receive an RSO Student Study Guide, a Basic Firearm Training Program brochure, an NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure and a Course Evaluation form.
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
Short Description: This 14-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to training and supervising NRA range safety officers and developing range standard operating procedures.
More Details: Prerequisite: Must be an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer. Course is presented in two parts: Basic Instructor Training and NRA Chief Range Safety Officer training. Sessions include standard operating procedures, inspections, emergency procedures, firearm stoppages and malfunctions, safety briefings. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises and complete an open book exam. Students will receive NRA Basic Range Safety Officer lesson plans, basic student packet and basic course presentation CD.
NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course
Short Description: Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family, and to provide information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense.
More Details: Prerequisite: This course is for law-abiding adult citizens, as defined by applicable federal, state, or local law, and experienced shooters (shooters able to show mastery of the basic skills of safe gun handling, shooting a group, zeroing the firearm, and cleaning the firearm). Prospective participants can demonstrate that they have the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes by producing an NRA Basic Pistol Course Certificate, NRA FIRST Steps Course Certificate, NRA pistol competitive shooting qualification card, military DD 214 with pistol qualification, or passing the Pre-Course Assessment.
Description: This is an eight-hour course. Students should expect to shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition. Students will learn basic defensive shooting skills, strategies for home safety and responding to a violent confrontation, firearms and the law, how to choose a handgun for self-defense, and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection In The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, and course completion certificate.
Note: Lesson III of this course: Firearms and the Law, and Legal Aspects of Self-Defense, is conducted by an attorney licensed to practice law within the state in which this course is given and who is familiar with this area of the law, or a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) who possesses an intermediate or higher Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certificate granted within the state, or an individual currently certified to instruct in this area of the law by the state in which this course is presented. NRA Certified Instructors may conduct this lesson only if they meet the requirements stated above and then only in their capacity as an attorney, or other state certified individual not in their capacity as an NRA Certified Instructor.
NRA Instructor Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course
Short Description: This 9-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching the NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home course.
More Details: Prerequisites: Must be an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor. Prior to the course, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in pre-course assessment exercises.
Description: Course is presented in two parts: basic instructor training and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Instructor Candidate Packet and NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home course student packet.
NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home Course
Short Description: Teaches students the knowledge, skills and attitude essential for avoiding dangerous confrontations and for the safe, effective and responsible use of a concealed pistol for self-defense outside the home.
More Details: Prerequisite: This course is for adult individuals who are not disqualified from possessing a firearm as defined by applicable federal, state, or local law and are of good repute and possess defensive pistol skills presented in the NRA Basics of Personal Protection In The Home Course. Participants must also understand the basic legal concepts relating to the use of firearms in self-defense, and must know and observe not only general gun safety rules, but also those safety principles that are specific to defensive situations. Prospective participants can demonstrate that they have the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes by producing an NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course Certificate, or by passing the pre-course evaluation. Description: The course is divided into two levels. Level one is nine-hours and offers the essential knowledge and skills that must be mastered in order to carry, store, and use a firearm safely and effectively for personal protection outside the home. Students spend several hours on the range and shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition during level one. Upon completion, students may choose to attend level two, which is an additional five hours on the range and approximately 115 rounds of ammunition learning advanced shooting skills. Time and ammunition requirements are minimum, and may be exceeded. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure and appropriate (level one/level two) course completion certificates(s)
Note: Lesson III: Firearms and the Law, and Legal Aspects of Self-Defense, of the Personal Protection In and Outside The Home Courses is conducted by an attorney licensed to practice law within the state in which this course is given and who is familiar with this area of the law, a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) who possesses an intermediate or higher Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certificate granted within the state, or an individual currently certified to instruct in this area of the law by the state in which this course is presented. NRA Certified Instructors may conduct this lesson only if they meet the requirements stated above and then only in their capacity as an attorney, or other state certified individual, not in their capacity as an NRA Certified Instructor.
NRA Instructor Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home Course
Short Description: This 16-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching the NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home Course.
More Details: Prerequisites: Instructor candidates must be both an NRA Certified Pistol and Personal Protection In The Home Instructor. Candidates must have attended an NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home course and passed the student exam with a score of 90% or better.
Description: Course is presented in two parts: basic instructor training, and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor Candidate Packet, and NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home course student packet.
Would you know what to do if you were deep in the wilderness, and a hunting companion sustained a penetrating chest wound from an errant round? Could you prolong the life of a loved one long enough for the ambulance to arrive, if he or she had sustained a lacerated artery from a violent attacker armed with a knife? While most Americans are comfortable dealing with the cuts and scrapes of everyday life, and tens of thousands have learned the Heimlich maneuver and CPR, most individuals would be a bit less comfortable dealing with severe, life threatening injuries or illnesses when seconds count, and EMS personnel and the emergency room are minutes (or longer) away. In the training course, Emergency First Aid Fundamentals, you’ll learn to not only understand the proper way to assess a patient, you’ll also learn in great detail the proper way to deal with significant issues such as serious bleeding, chest injuries, a compromised airway, spinal injuries, broken bones, and more. While it might seem unrealistic to translate what professional EMTs and paramedics are able to do in an emergency versus the things that nonprofessionals would be capable of, but in life threatening medical and traumatic emergencies, it all boils down to the same thing — sustaining the life of the patient until he or she can be delivered to the emergency room. If you’re ready to become your family’s first responder in all emergency situations, this training cannot be missed. During this training, you’ll do more than simply sit in a classroom learning about these topics, your USCCA instructor will work you through a dozen real world scenarios using simulated patients and the actual products (or field
expedients) that you’ll need to understand if you hope to save a life.
NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting - Phase 2
Short Description: The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting is a two-part course consisting of an e-learning portion (completed online-in your own timeframe) and a hands-on practical portion conducted at a range under the guidance and supervision of an NRA-Certified Instructor. The course is intended for all adults regardless of previous shooting experience or NRA-affiliation.
More Details: Some of the topics in the course include: gun safety rules, proper operation of revolvers and semi-automatic pistols, ammunition knowledge and selection, selecting and storing a pistol, the fundamentals of shooting, and pistol inspection and maintenance. When you enroll in the online course, you create a personal identification number (PIN). When you successfully complete the course, printing your certificate activates that PIN. The activated PIN allows you to register for the instructor-led training portion of the course. Go to www.nrainstructors.org – Find a Course Near You – select NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting – and search.
During the instructor-led-training portion of the course, an NRA Certified Instructor will validate comprehension and application of gun safety rules; range protocol; proper handling; loading and unloading procedures; application of pistol shooting fundamentals; stable shooting positions; live fire; and a final shooting qualification.
NRA Instructor Pistol Shooting Course
Short Description: This 16-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching NRA’s Basic Pistol Shooting course.
More Details: Prerequisite: Possession of basic firearm safety and shooting skills is a perquisite for certification as an NRA instructor. Prior to the instructor training, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in pre-course assessment exercises.
Description: Course is presented in two parts: basic instructor training, and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Pistol Shooting Instructor Candidate Packet and NRA Basic Pistol Shooting course student packet.
NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course
Short Description: Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for the safe use of a rifle in target shooting.
More Details: This course is at least 8 hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot rifles. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; rifle parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest, prone, sitting, standing and kneeling positions; cleaning, and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the Basics of Rifle Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, take a Basics of Rifle Shooting Student Examination, and receive a course completion certificate.
NRA Instructor Rifle Shooting Course
Short Description: This 20-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching NRA’s Basic Rifle Shooting course.
More Details: Prerequisite: Possession of basic firearm safety and shooting skills is a perquisite for certification as an NRA instructor. Prior to the instructor training, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in pre-course assessment exercises.
Description: Course is presented in two parts: Basic Instructor Training, and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Rifle Shooting Instructor Candidate Packet and NRA Basic Rifle Shooting course student packet.
NRA Basic Range Safety Officer Course
Short Description: Develops NRA Certified Range Safety Officers with the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, conducting, and supervising safe shooting activities and range operations.
More Details: This course is nine hours long and is conducted in a classroom and at a shooting facility. Range Safety Officer candidates will learn roles and responsibilities of an RSO; Range Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); range inspection; range rules; range briefings; emergency procedures; and firearm stoppages and malfunctions. Each Range Safety Officer Candidate will receive an RSO Student Study Guide, a Basic Firearm Training Program brochure, an NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure and a Course Evaluation form.
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
Short Description: This 14-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to training and supervising NRA range safety officers and developing range standard operating procedures.
More Details: Prerequisite: Must be an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer. Course is presented in two parts: Basic Instructor Training and NRA Chief Range Safety Officer training. Sessions include standard operating procedures, inspections, emergency procedures, firearm stoppages and malfunctions, safety briefings. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises and complete an open book exam. Students will receive NRA Basic Range Safety Officer lesson plans, basic student packet and basic course presentation CD.
NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course
Short Description: Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family, and to provide information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense.
More Details: Prerequisite: This course is for law-abiding adult citizens, as defined by applicable federal, state, or local law, and experienced shooters (shooters able to show mastery of the basic skills of safe gun handling, shooting a group, zeroing the firearm, and cleaning the firearm). Prospective participants can demonstrate that they have the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes by producing an NRA Basic Pistol Course Certificate, NRA FIRST Steps Course Certificate, NRA pistol competitive shooting qualification card, military DD 214 with pistol qualification, or passing the Pre-Course Assessment.
Description: This is an eight-hour course. Students should expect to shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition. Students will learn basic defensive shooting skills, strategies for home safety and responding to a violent confrontation, firearms and the law, how to choose a handgun for self-defense, and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection In The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, and course completion certificate.
Note: Lesson III of this course: Firearms and the Law, and Legal Aspects of Self-Defense, is conducted by an attorney licensed to practice law within the state in which this course is given and who is familiar with this area of the law, or a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) who possesses an intermediate or higher Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certificate granted within the state, or an individual currently certified to instruct in this area of the law by the state in which this course is presented. NRA Certified Instructors may conduct this lesson only if they meet the requirements stated above and then only in their capacity as an attorney, or other state certified individual not in their capacity as an NRA Certified Instructor.
NRA Instructor Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course
Short Description: This 9-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching the NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home course.
More Details: Prerequisites: Must be an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor. Prior to the course, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in pre-course assessment exercises.
Description: Course is presented in two parts: basic instructor training and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Instructor Candidate Packet and NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home course student packet.
NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home Course
Short Description: Teaches students the knowledge, skills and attitude essential for avoiding dangerous confrontations and for the safe, effective and responsible use of a concealed pistol for self-defense outside the home.
More Details: Prerequisite: This course is for adult individuals who are not disqualified from possessing a firearm as defined by applicable federal, state, or local law and are of good repute and possess defensive pistol skills presented in the NRA Basics of Personal Protection In The Home Course. Participants must also understand the basic legal concepts relating to the use of firearms in self-defense, and must know and observe not only general gun safety rules, but also those safety principles that are specific to defensive situations. Prospective participants can demonstrate that they have the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes by producing an NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course Certificate, or by passing the pre-course evaluation. Description: The course is divided into two levels. Level one is nine-hours and offers the essential knowledge and skills that must be mastered in order to carry, store, and use a firearm safely and effectively for personal protection outside the home. Students spend several hours on the range and shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition during level one. Upon completion, students may choose to attend level two, which is an additional five hours on the range and approximately 115 rounds of ammunition learning advanced shooting skills. Time and ammunition requirements are minimum, and may be exceeded. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure and appropriate (level one/level two) course completion certificates(s)
Note: Lesson III: Firearms and the Law, and Legal Aspects of Self-Defense, of the Personal Protection In and Outside The Home Courses is conducted by an attorney licensed to practice law within the state in which this course is given and who is familiar with this area of the law, a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) who possesses an intermediate or higher Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certificate granted within the state, or an individual currently certified to instruct in this area of the law by the state in which this course is presented. NRA Certified Instructors may conduct this lesson only if they meet the requirements stated above and then only in their capacity as an attorney, or other state certified individual, not in their capacity as an NRA Certified Instructor.
NRA Instructor Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home Course
Short Description: This 16-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching the NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home Course.
More Details: Prerequisites: Instructor candidates must be both an NRA Certified Pistol and Personal Protection In The Home Instructor. Candidates must have attended an NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home course and passed the student exam with a score of 90% or better.
Description: Course is presented in two parts: basic instructor training, and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor Candidate Packet, and NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home course student packet.